


Entrepreneurship, with the primary goal of making money.

Amazon has been in constant turmoil since 2024. Even white-hat sellers can't help but feel helpless as Amazon continues to become more and more frustrating.

Table of Contents#

01 / Amazon Strictly Enforces Variant Violations
02 / Amazon Low Inventory Level Fee
30 / Conclusion

01 / Amazon Strictly Enforces Variant Violations#

Personally, I think this policy is beneficial for us white-hat sellers because Amazon's main targets are sellers who engage in shady practices such as merging zombies, refurbished links, and mirrored reviews. Therefore, in our future operations, we need to avoid the above violations.

The extent of Amazon's crackdown is currently unknown, but if Amazon really intends to crack down on variant violations according to variant rules, at least 50% of the links on the Amazon platform will be dead, especially in the clothing category.

What we are most afraid of now is Amazon's misjudgment. Yesterday, I also received a warning for a variant violation, but I have repeatedly checked and confirmed that the link is not in violation. Although my appeal has been approved and currently has no impact on my account.

Although old sellers have lost the advantage of seed links, it is good news for new sellers. In our future operations, we need to avoid the following violations:

  1. No more merging zombies, refurbished links, mirrored reviews, etc.
  2. No more separating multiple variants and then merging them after receiving VINE reviews.
  3. No more changing images and links to be inconsistent with the original listing.
  4. No more merging variants with significant differences.

In addition, when writing attributes in the variant column, we should write the correct attributes, such as black, blue, white for colors, and avoid writing size or other custom fields under the color variant. This can prevent Amazon from mistakenly judging us as violating the rules.

02 / Amazon Low Inventory Level Fee#

Although Amazon officially started charging low inventory level fees on April 1, 2024, due to the high dissatisfaction among sellers, Amazon has postponed it for a month and provided a transition period. The low inventory level fees generated by products delivered between April 1, 2024, and April 30, 2024, will be refunded in May.

The low inventory level fee only applies to products with both long-term (past 90 days) and short-term (past 30 days) historical supply days less than 28 days. Amazon will charge a fee ranging from $0.32 to $1.11.

It is important to note that this fee is calculated based on the parent, which means that variants under the parent have the same indicators. Calculating it ourselves is very complicated, but Amazon has added a section for low inventory level fees in the Amazon Logistics section. It is recommended to check this indicator daily.

The low inventory level fee does not apply to the following sellers or products:

  1. Non-standard size products.
  2. Newly registered professional sellers (within 365 days after the first inventory acceptance).
  3. Parent products newly added to the Amazon Logistics program (within 180 days after the first inventory acceptance) (must register and join the Amazon Logistics New Product Warehousing Incentive Program to enjoy this benefit).
  4. Products automatically replenished through Amazon's warehousing and distribution services.

The fourth point is actually Amazon's own AWD satellite warehouse service, which makes people suspect that Amazon's introduction of inventory configuration fees and low inventory fees is to promote its own services. I have not personally used these services, but based on feedback from other sellers in the market, the experience with Amazon's official services is very poor.

Overall, this change puts a great test on our inventory management capabilities. We need to closely monitor inventory levels and optimize the supply chain to shorten lead times, ensuring that inventory can meet demand for at least 28 days at any time.

03 / Conclusion#

I am a person who is unwilling to compromise. If costs increase, I will increase the prices of my products. If a product doesn't make me money, I will switch to another product. If Amazon doesn't make me money, then I won't do Amazon.

Although I often say that now is the best time to do Amazon because it will be worse next year, in the current situation, Amazon is no longer the top choice for entrepreneurship. The global economy is sluggish, platform fees and advertising costs are rising, and sellers are competing with each other and doing charity.

  • If you have sufficient startup funds or plan to build a brand, you must pay attention to the construction of the brand's official website from the beginning. The marketing costs of independent websites are now lower than those of platforms.
  • If your startup funds are limited, I would recommend focusing more on self-fulfillment and distribution, with profitability as the guiding principle. Don't get involved in charity with other sellers.

Opportunities are always there. Let us encourage each other.

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